Rebecca Sweet

Living Walls in a San Francisco Community Garden

While in San Francisco recently, I stumbled upon this community garden sandwiched in between a really busy road and an apartment building. It’s a community garden built and maintained by a homeless shelter and surrounding neighbors (which is cool enough!) but I loved all the repurposed living wall elements along the chain-link fence.  The colorful […]

Vertical Gardening & Garden Up! Cyber Book Party

Vertical Gardening & Garden Up! Cyber Book Party

Ta Da!  Today is the official launch of our book Garden Up! Smart Vertical Gardening for Small and Large Spaces. To celebrate, Susan and I are hosting a cyber book party, complete with door prizes and party favors – and you’re all invited! Of course, two blogs isn’t much of a party, and if you’ve […]

One of my favorite gardens from the 2011 Northwest Flower & Garden Show

The name of the garden is ‘Paradise (to be) Regained..borrowing Thoreau‘ and is described as “…a generation who’s looking for paradise in a shrinking world…this garden uses the power to reclaim and re-characterize what is left behind.” Since I have a 15-year old daughter, I instantly tried to look at this garden through a teenager’s […]

Living Walls at Seattle’s Northwest Flower and Garden Show 2011

Last week I attended Seattle’s fantastic Northwest Flower and Garden Show, and was thrilled to see so many different interpretations of living walls. Here’s a sneak peek – ranging from walls planted with tropicals (by far the most common), succulents, or even moss. My favorite are those using one-of-a-kind structures, using uncommon plants.  Like this […]

DIG Garden Nursery – A new Santa Cruz treasure!

If you’re a gardener who loves succulents, contemporary design, chickens, canning, birds, living walls and books, then this Northern California garden shop is the place for YOU.  Just over a year old, DIG a much needed refuge from the more ordinary and commonplace garden shops which dot the coast. Cara and Will Meyers (who also […]

A garden gift from the heart

Christmas has come and gone and in its wake are a mountain of empty boxes, bows, ribbons and wrapping paper.   My hydrangea and pittosporum centerpiece is finally beginning to wilt and the tree’s dry needles are raining down upon my carpet with alarming speed. One of my favorite gifts this year is one that […]