Rebecca Sweet

Replacing a lawn with a garden – Part 1 Replacing a lawn with a garden

Replacing a lawn with a garden – Part 1

It’s a new year and with it comes the oh-so-familiar new year’s resolutions.  And while I rarely keep the ones I make, this is a resolution that’s long overdue and one that I’m thrilled to undertake: getting rid of my unused front lawn. With California’s lowest recorded rainfall in its history (that’s over 160 years!), the timing is perfect to practice […]

Five ways to warm a winter garden

Five ways to warm a winter garden

A few days ago I spoke to my friend who lives in Boston, and when I complained that my garden was taking a beating during a recent week of unrelenting 28-degree temperatures, he was shocked – in California? Yes, even in the land of sunshine it often dips below freezing on a cold winter night, […]

The Great Christmas Tree Chop

The Great Christmas Tree Chop

 Note:  This post is rated ‘R’ for violence Sometimes it seems my family lives to torment me – especially when it comes to choosing Christmas trees. It wasn’t always be this way.  But one year, when the kids were young, I decided to surprise everyone by bringing home a beautiful living Christmas tree, in hopes […]

Looking at your garden with fresh eyes

Looking at your garden with fresh eyes

As a designer, I’m often asked how I go about deciding how and where to begin when it comes to transforming a garden bed. While visualizing where to begin is relatively easy for me (it’s what I do for a living, after all!) I realize that’s not necessarily the case for others.  In fact, I experienced […]

Creating harmony in the fall garden

Creating harmony in the fall garden

There’s something magical about fall colors in the garden, isn’t there? My favorite time of year is the moment I open my front door and see my Japanese maples and Crepe Myrtle trees have turned their fiery shades of yellow, red and orange. These colors signal the calm before the storm (the storms from both […]

Refresh Your Garden Design Virtual Book Party!

Refresh Your Garden Design Virtual Book Party!

I’m officially announcing the birth of my new baby…I mean book, Refresh Your Garden Design with Color, Texture & Form, and to celebrate you’re all invited to attend my Virtual Book Party – with some very ‘refreshing’ party favors (yes, pun intended).  Six garden blogging friends and I are hosting 7 great giveaways this week, all related […]

Shades of Gray in a No-Lawn Front Garden

Shades of Gray in a No-Lawn Front Garden

I’m thrilled to announce that one of the gardens I designed for a client is featured in this month’s Sunset magazine. In today’s post, I thought I’d talk about another aspect of this garden – using the very-gray colored dymondia margaretae as a lawn substitute. And not just the ground cover itself, but the tricks […]

Refresh Your Garden Design with Color, Texture and Form

I’m over-the-moon with excitement to announce that my new book, Refresh Your Garden Design with Color, Texture and Form is officially finished and will be available in bookstores next month – Oct. 20th, to be exact! After seeing a review copy for the first time last week, I can honestly say that I’m immensely proud of this […]

Growing your own bean sprouts

Growing your own bean sprouts

In just a few days I’ll be saying goodbye to my daughter as she leaves for college, embarking on a new adventure in her life.   And while I’m proud, thrilled, and excited for her, I can’t help but quietly mourn each passing minute that I have left before the quiet and emptiness takes her […]

Captivating Coprosmas

Captivating Coprosmas

When spotting the smooth and shiny foliage of a colorful coprosma, it’s only a matter of seconds before my client asks ‘What IS that plant?’ Commonly known as a ‘Mirror Plant’, coprosma’s foliage looks like someone meticulously shellacked each perfectly shaped oval leaf.  Yes, they’re that shiny. Finding foliage with smooth and reflective surfaces isn’t always easy, which […]

Roo Garden Apron Review and Giveaway

If you’re like me, you’ve probably returned from a supposedly quick and casual stroll through the garden with your shirt flipped up in an attempt to to hold all the tomatoes, plums or apricots that were just begging to be picked. After dirtying umpteen clean shirts, I don’t know why I venture outside any longer […]

Mixing flowers with succulents in Debra Lee Baldwin’s garden

Mixing flowers with succulents in Debra Lee Baldwin’s garden

There’s no doubt about it, Debra Lee Baldwin certainly knows her succulents. But while visiting her Escondido, CA garden again a few months ago, I was struck by something else – the flowers! Not succulent flowers, but perennials, annuals, and native flowers that are planted throughout the garden. Sure, she’s known as an expert and […]