Rebecca Sweet

Freaky Looking Lemons

Freaky Looking Lemons

‘Eureka’ lemon trees are notorious for producing freaky looking lemons (especially in cooler coastal climates like ours in the Bay Area.)   Personally, I like the occasional oddball that my tree kicks out – and so do my kids.  But if more and more of your lemons are turning out like this, you may want to […]

Meet Frankenstein, my wind-damaged orange tree washington naval orange tree

Meet Frankenstein, my wind-damaged orange tree

Meet Frankenstein, my wind-damaged ‘Washington Naval’ orange tree! It’s January here in Northern California and today I ate the first  orange off my beloved orange tree. I love that first, sweet-with-a-hint-of-sour-taste from the season’s first fruit.   I look forward to it all year, beginning in late spring when my garden is blanketed with the […]

Help your garden survive an unexpected freeze

I woke up this morning to a whopping 26 degrees.  Yes, I know – I can already hear those of you in other parts of the country laughing at my wimpyness.  But don’t forget, I live in mild-climate California!  My poor little plants aren’t accustomed to this weather and are fairly miserable right now. If […]

I’m in love with my Roger’s Red grapevine Roger's Red grapevine

I’m in love with my Roger’s Red grapevine

I’m in love with my Rogers Red grapevine for a million reasons. Why?  Well, for one Vitis californica ‘Roger’s Red’ is a California native and grows with very little water, quickly reaching a massive 30×30 – growing 3 to 6 feet per year!   It also produces tons of grapes. The grapes, however, are filled […]