I’m in love with my Rogers Red grapevine for a million reasons.
Well, for one Vitis californica ‘Roger’s Red’ is a California native and grows with very little water, quickly reaching a massive 30×30 – growing 3 to 6 feet per year!

It also produces tons of grapes.
The grapes, however, are filled with seeds, so while they’re not the first choice for a quick snack, they’re great for the birds or for making grape juice.

But the main reason I love this vine? FALL COLOR!
This vine grows on my arbor, and tenderly (okay – thuggishly) embraces my nearby aviary and bougainvilla.
The fall colors absolutely take my breath away!

Last weekend, while happily taking these above photos of my dear Roger, my husband climbed on the roof to clean out the gutters.
And that’s when he yelled down “Honey – there’s a PARTY going on up here!“
While standing on the ground and looking up, I thought the vine couldn’t possibly get any better.
But once I climbed up to join my husband, I realized the real show was on my roof. Check out these colors!

I sure hope the birds up here are appreciating the show!
It definitely makes me wish I had a 2-story house – can you imagine looking out of an upstairs window and seeing this?
Do you have a problem with rats on your roof attracted to the grapes?
Hi Kathy, I didn’t have a problem with rats, but boy did we have tons of birds that would swoop in and eat the grapes (and subsequently make a bit of a mess!)
Great photos! Now, dare I tell you that genetic testing has recently shown Roger’s Red is only half native Californian? Quite frankly, to me, that matters not at all. It still gets by with very little water, grows like a weed, and attracts birds and other critters with its grapes. Soooo enjoy!
You have got to be kidding me. This is the prettiest thing on the internet right now. My goodness I love it. I have got to google it and see if it will live in zone 7.
Well I can certainly see why! He is a good looking vine! Makes me want to live in California~~when ever I see your outdoor spaces! gail
Pretty vine. Have been thinking of trying grapes on the balcony. The fall colour would be an added bonus (and at least I don’t have to worry about racoons !)
Gorgeous and compelling. I figure to install grapes in the next year or two, but I want easy-snacking so I’ll be looking for a seedless variety. You’ve given me one more question to ask at the nursery: “How do the plants look in autumn?”
Ok, now I’m officially in love with Roger too. Makes me want to relocate (it must be true love). Roger is not only gorgeous, clearly virile as well. I’m going to dream of him tonight (shhhh…don’t tell husband).
Hi Rebecca…I have a Thompson seedless that grows like your Roger, w/out the beautiful color. No seeds, but weeny fruit. May take it out, because of the summertime raccoon romp on the arbor. They think it’s a party up there, too!
Yeah..I guess I should’ve also mentioned it’s not only a ‘visual’ party, but a ‘critter’ party, too. Rats don’t seem to mind the grape seeds either!
That is just lovely!