Rebecca Sweet

Winter berries in the garden

Winter berries in the garden

Winter berries in the garden are a treat for gardeners craving color during these cold and rainy months, but more importantly for hungry birds.    Winter berries are filled with sugar and fat for birds, helping them to withstand freezing temperatures and sustain them during their migration. Even as I write this, the shrubs and […]

Pink Flowers for the Fall Garden pink flowers fall garden

Pink Flowers for the Fall Garden

Pink flowers for the fall garden aren’t usually the colors gardeners think of, which is such a shame!  When combined with fall’s traditional colors of orange, yellow, and red, the color pink can result in unexpected stunning color combinations. I was recently discussing this with a client who was so surprised that her ‘Sheffield’s Pink’ […]

Wake Up Your Late Summer Garden

Wake Up Your Late Summer Garden

I can relate to this woman – swap out her lush green hillside with California’s crispy brown hills, and the picture would be complete.   Even the most avid gardeners can struggle with how to wake up the late summer garden after a long, hot summer.  August through September can be a tough time for […]

An Elderflower Cordial from my Elderberry Tree

An Elderflower Cordial from my Elderberry Tree

Today I’m sharing a delicious elderflower cordial recipe, compliments of my elderberry tree. But first, a little info about this magnificent native plant that I inherited when I moved here seven years ago. Several elderberry varieties are native to the West Coast, but mine is a sambucus mexicana (commonly called Mexican Elderberry or Tapiro.)  This […]

Designing a Modified Meadow design a meadow garden

Designing a Modified Meadow

Designing a modified meadow in my new garden has been one of the most challenging yet most rewarding things I’ve ever created.  Also known as meadowscaping (a popular trend that replaces traditional lawns with a native, slightly overgrown, prairie-inspired garden), my ‘modified’ meadow fits into this category, yet with a twist – hence the ‘modified.’ […]

Grevilleas for a Drought-Tolerant, Deer-Resistant Garden grevillea drought-tolerant, deer-resistant

Grevilleas for a Drought-Tolerant, Deer-Resistant Garden

Why do I love grevilleas for drought-tolerant, deer-resistant gardens?  Let me count the ways: 1.  They take 100-degree days in the full sun like a champ, never showing a hint of fatigue (which makes sense since they’re native to Australia!) 2.  They’re also deer-resistant, thanks to irritating substances in the foliage and flowers. I’ve watched […]

Designing a Hellstrip designing a hellstrip

Designing a Hellstrip

Designing a hellstrip is often an afterthought, something considered once the rest of the garden is complete, which is such a shame!  When visually connected to the rest of the garden, a well-designed hellstrip adds cohesion to the overall design, and can act as an eye-popping ‘welcome mat.’ What exactly is a hellstrip, anyway? Also […]

Chihuly Garden and Glass in Winter chihuly garden and glass

Chihuly Garden and Glass in Winter

Today I’m excited to share with you the beauty of the Chihuly Garden and Glass in winter. It’s been a whopper of a winter, and while I’m not complaining,  I must say, I’m feeling pretty starved for garden tours right now.   Name a gardener that isn’t feeling this way, right?  But finding a garden that’s glorious in the […]

Planting Around Tree Roots

Planting Around Tree Roots

Planting around tree roots (especially when the roots are giant and growing above the ground!) is one of the questions frustrated homeowners often ask me.   Gardeners end up feeling defeated and either 1) don’t plant anything or 2) end up planting a lawn around the tree (which has its own set of problems like […]

Rustic Potting Benches in My Garden rustic potting benches in my garden

Rustic Potting Benches in My Garden

I’m excited to share with you the rustic potting benches in my garden.  While I should be outside this weekend pruning my roses, it’s cold, wet, and downright dreary.  So instead, I hope to give you a bit of potting table inspiration. Everyone should have an area in their garden where they can comfortably putter […]

Designing with Ball-Shaped Flowers ball-shaped flowers

Designing with Ball-Shaped Flowers

I love designing with ball-shaped flowers.  Don’t get me wrong, I also adore spire-shaped flowers (click here if you missed that post!) However, there’s something about spherical shapes that always makes me smile.   Maybe its because the lollipop shapes tend to be more playful?  Or maybe its because the symmetrical, round balls are such a […]

Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates spring bulbs warm climates

Spring Bulbs for Warm Climates

This time of year, I’m often asked what my favorite spring bulbs for warm climates are and how I incorporate them into my garden’s design. If you garden in a warmer climate (as I do in zone 9), it’s not too late to get your spring-flowering bulbs in the ground. Ideally, I aim to get […]