Designing with Ornamental Grasses
I’ve been designing with ornamental grasses for decades and consider them an indispensable staple not only in my own garden but in those I design.
I’ve been designing with ornamental grasses for decades and consider them an indispensable staple not only in my own garden but in those I design.
Here it is – the ultimate guide to creating a lawn-free garden! Over the past several years, I’ve written a lot about creating a lawn-free
The concept of ‘proportion and scale’ in the garden can be tricky to get right, but when you do, you just know it. Well, that WASN’T
The surest way to create a wow-factor moment in your garden is to add height with flowering, towering plants. Not just a little height either
Having designed gardens throughout California for decades, I want to share with you my top 30 native plants for the garden. These are native plants
It’s almost spring and there’s lots happening in the garden right now, but I have to say the flowering quince and pipevine swallowtails are stealing
A designer once told me she never plants rosemary in her garden because it’s too common. Huh?
Of course, everyone has a right
While waiting for my sleeping garden to wake, there’s still plenty of flowers that shine this time of year, thanks to some of my favorite
I think I speak for most of us when I say ‘good riddance to 2020!’ However, it’s hard to escape the reality that waking up
It’s mid-December, and most of my garden is now fast asleep. This week’s rain has knocked off the remaining fall leaves, perennials are silently slumbering
This is my favorite time of year, with fall colors at their peak. The towering maples, liquid ambers, and black oak trees are on fire
When designing the front entrance of a client’s new garden, I know I’ve succeeded in creating something special when: 1. I spy someone walking down