With spring upon us, I wanted to share my Top 3 Favorite Garden Tools with you.
As a garden designer (and a garden fanatic!), you’d think I’d have every latest and greatest garden tool in my arsenal.
But I don’t. I’m actually pretty low maintenance in this department, preferring to use just a few of my favorite standbys.
This drives my husband crazy, as it would make it so much easier for him to buy birthday gifts for me if I did have a running wish list of tools.
Every once in a while, though, I come across a tool that makes me slap my forehead in wonder. Why has it taken me so long to discover this tool?
Here are 3 of those tools that have made it to my list of very favorite and ‘trusted standby’ must-haves.
In my previous garden, I had a towering 15-foot Washington Naval orange tree that would bear hundreds of oranges every February.
As you can imagine, trying to pick the oranges at the very top of the tree was always a nightmare
The Cut & Hold Pruner by Napa Valley’s Wildflower Seed & Tool Company solved this problem. It was so easy to use – extend the pole, place the head in the ‘grasp’ position, cut the branch, bring it down and release the grasp.
Voila! No more oranges crashing to the ground!
This pruner also works great for climbing roses and other vines, too.
I used to have to climb to the top of a ladder to prune the tallest canes of my ‘Fourth of July’ rose (which was always a bit scary!)
The same goes for my ‘Roger’s Red’ grapevine that would scramble over my aviary and arbor. (click here to read more about this vine!)

How have I gardened my entire life without this knife?
Most of us know not to buy plants that look root bound, but face it – sometimes we can’t resist. But once we get it out of the pot, we realize its poor roots growing around and around in tight circles, forming a rock-hard tangle that’s sure to choke the life out of the plant.
That’s where the hori-hori knife comes to the rescue. This tool cuts through the cement-like root ball like a hot knife through butter. It’s not only fun to use, but is reasonably priced, durable and built to last for years.
Plus, I’ll admit, carrying this around in my tool kit sort of makes me feel like a tough chick.
The CobraHead Weeder is the most amazing tool for removing weeds that I’ve ever used and goes everywhere in the garden with me.
Billing itself as a ‘steel fingernail‘, it uproots difficult weeds in a split-second (say goodbye to those dandelions and oxalis that have wedged themselves into tight cracks.)
It also breaks up cement-like clay blobs that form a crusted surface, and allows me to easily dig a trench and bury irrigation tubing.
But one of my favorite ways to use this tool is like an extension of my hand. When working in tight spaces in the garden, it extends my reach, allowing me to pull out mounds of debris/weeds/leaves that lurk behind larger plants with a simple scraping motion.
And, as if it couldn’t get any better, I love this small family-run business from Wisconsin. Click here to read more about their story.
And, before I go, if you’d like a few more reviews of some of my favorite garden-related products, take a peek below:

Dramm’s One-Touch Spray Nozzle. I’ve used them for years and they’re the best of the best. None of the others work as well (yes, I’m as picky as I sound!)
Hoselink hose reel & my side yard makeover
Foxgloves – Sunset magazine sums it up best: ‘They may look like something you wear with a string of pearls and a vintage gown, but Foxgloves are made for serious gardeners.’

So, what are some of your favorites that you couldn’t garden without?
Please share – we’d all love to know!
Disclosure Notice: Over the years, I’ve tried tons of garden-related products and only recommend those I truly believe in and those that have held up well in my garden. Harmony in the Garden participates in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon.com and its affiliates.
Once in awhile, I may accept some garden items for review. When (and if!) I review one of these items, I will always let you know in the post. Thanks!
I agree with all your recommendations, Rebecca. I sure couldn’t do without my Cobra head. I also use a Korean tool called a ho-mi. It has a pointed tip so can be used a bit like the cobra head but when turned on its side, it’s also a fabulous scraper. My other favourite ‘tool’ is a pair of cheap prescription glasses. I’ve spent way too much time not only squinting helplessly at labels and critters on leaves but also fruitlessly searching for expensive glasses that I put down ‘somewhere’ in the garden, never to be seen again. Even when I went out looking with the replacement glasses!
Catherine, what an awesome recommendation! I’ve never heard of the ho-mi and just saw on Lee Valley Tool’s website that there’s also a long handled version – I know what I’m asking for Christmas this year! I watched a little video on their site, explaining the tool’s different uses, and my husband heard it from the other room and said ‘what homey in the garden are they talking about??’ lol. And I couldn’t agree more about the cheap glasses. I bought a few from the dollar store at one point and love them. I’ve put my expensive prescription glasses in my pocket and accidentally bent over to pull a week and ‘SNAP’, one too many times!
I’ve been meaning to get the Cobra head tool for forever! Seeing your article this morning, I went right to their website and ordered one for myself as a Mother’s Day gift! I’d been using a huge screwdriver to get at those pesky weeds in cracks; not anymore!! Thanks, Rebecca!
Hi Dawn,I’m so glad you bought one for yourself – Happy Mother’s Day! And I know you’ll love it! Have fun with your new toy!! 😉
My cobra head is always by my side. Like you said, it has many uses. As a matter of fact, I have two in case I lose one. I’ve been hoping someone would develop a tool that has a screaming sound or light flashing so I’ll always find my tool!
I agree, Carolyn, in fact I bought one for my daughter and her new husband (who have become avid gardeners) and it’s their very favorite tool for attacking the craziest weeds you’ve ever seen. It’s so empowering to give that weed a solid ‘thwack’, isn’t it? I love your screaming sound idea, too – like a car alarm. ha!
The hori-hori knife was my first garden tool purchase & my best. It also makes a great gift!
I couldn’t agree more, Gracey. I bought two for my daughter and mom and they both love it!
All hail the hori-hori! I never leave the garage without it!
I don’t either, Lela – it’s good for SO many things besides prying apart root-bound plants. Sometimes the simplest tools are the best, right?
The hori hori knife is my go to tool when working in small or medium containers. It is more precise and sturdy than a trowel. It was given to me as a gift about 10 years ago and except for a couple of superficial scratches shows no signs of wear.
These do sound useful and particularly the CobraHead weeder for me! Thanks Rebecca.
You’re welcome, Nancy!
I love the cut and hold pruner. I need to give this version of it a try. Yea for not climbing tall ladders and not causing brain damage from falling grapefruits and oranges. Thank you, thank you for the heads up––literally! Love you sweet Rebecca.
You’re welcome, Sharon – you’ll love the Cut & Hold…every time I use it, I’m so glad I have one!
Hi Rebecca,
Would the CobraHead Weeder be good for uprooting the pesky iris plants that are coming up everywhere in my garden?
Happy holidays!
Hi Meri-Beth…the CobraHead works wonders on any tough weed or small plant. I say give it a try – I bet you’ll love it as much as I do!
I’d feel like a tough chick with the telescopic pruners! And to keep stuff from falling into my neighbor’s yard. Not to mention having to spend the afternoon at the emergency center after falling off the ladder. . .
I’m with you, Linda, I don’t need any more reasons to visit the ER this year. All hail the telescopic pruner!!
Dear Tough Chick,
Thanks for the tool recommendations. Happy Holidays! Joanna
Happy Holidays, to you too, Joanna. I think Roman, er…Santa…needs to get one of these for you this year. You’ve been a good girl and deserve it!
I just got a hori knife. It is awesome. I just gave Hal my request for the Cobra Head weeder for Christmas. Exactly what I need to reach those stubborn weeds. Thanks for the great info. Love and Hugs. Jean G.
Hi Jean – glad to know you love your hori hori knife as much as I do! I bet you’ll be thrilled with your CobraHead weeder, too – I have dandelions that grow between the street and my driveway and this has been the only tool that effectively remove them, along with their mile long tap root!