Rebecca Sweet

The Power of Pink in Garden Design

The Power of Pink in Garden Design

Clematis ‘Dr. Ruppel’ I’ve wanted to write about the power of pink in garden design for a long time, as it seems to be a fairly polarizing color among gardeners. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?  But as a designer and public speaker, I talk to literally hundreds of gardeners a year, and very often, gardeners will […]

Creative Container Ideas for Gardens of All Sizes container

Creative Container Ideas for Gardens of All Sizes

Today, I want to share my favorite creative container ideas for gardens of all sizes. I’ve yet to encounter a garden that doesn’t include at least a few planted containers in its design. Whether artfully placed near the front door, grouped artistically on the back patio, or incorporated into a garden bed, containers are cherished […]

Mindful Fall Clean-Up for the Wildlife in our Garden fall leaves left in place

Mindful Fall Clean-Up for the Wildlife in our Garden

(Leaves are left to slowly decompose in the Tanner’s garden beds) Photo by Sabrina Tanner With the crispness of fall in the air, it’s the ideal time to engage in a mindful clean-up for the wildlife in our garden. Even the smallest changes can make a world of difference for insects, birds, and the overall […]

Euphorbia Euphoria euphorbia euphoria

Euphorbia Euphoria

In early spring, it’s safe to say I’m in a state of ‘euphorbia euphoria.’   Clusters of otherworldly chartreuse flowers hover above many other perennials just emerging from winter, bringing much-needed color and nectar for hungry pollinators.  But their flowers are just one of the many reasons they’re a staple in my zone-9 garden. They’re also […]

Refrigerate Peony Buds for Months of Blooms refrigerate peony buds

Refrigerate Peony Buds for Months of Blooms

Today I’m sharing something I tried for the first time ever – how to refrigerate peony buds for months of blooms.   And, as a bonus, at the end of this post I’ll share some amazing varieties with you that you may or may not have heard of before! What prompted me to try refrigerating peony […]

My Top 3 Favorite Garden Tools tool review

My Top 3 Favorite Garden Tools

With spring upon us, I wanted to share my Top 3 Favorite Garden Tools with you.   As a garden designer (and a garden fanatic!),  you’d think I’d have every latest and greatest garden tool in my arsenal.   But I don’t.  I’m actually pretty low maintenance in this department, preferring to use just a few of my […]

Light and Airy Flowers for a Naturalistic Garden airy flowers

Light and Airy Flowers for a Naturalistic Garden

Light and airy flowers, which I fondly call ‘bobbers,’ are one of the key components of a naturalistic garden. Despite their varying shapes (balls, umbels, spires, etc.), a common factor of these bobbers is their tall, thin stems that gracefully weave through and appear to ‘float’ above other plants. Their presence not only adds a […]

Pretty Primroses primroses

Pretty Primroses

Nothing says ‘spring is on its way’ like seeing row after row of pretty primroses arrive at the nursery. The botanical name of a primrose is primula, which comes from the Latin word ‘primus,’ meaning ‘first.’  This is the perfect name for them, as they’re the trailblazers of the early spring garden.  They’ll even bloom […]

Kubota Garden – lessons in form and shape Kubota Garden

Kubota Garden – lessons in form and shape

Visiting Seattle’s Kubota Garden is like taking a masterclass in the study of form and shape.  Located in the middle of a quiet suburban neighborhood, it’s somewhat of a surprise to find this secret gem of a garden nestled among its residential neighbors.  In the garden is a memorial stone dedicated to the creator of […]

My Favorite Peach-Colored Plants Inspired by Pantone’s Color Of The Year peach flowers

My Favorite Peach-Colored Plants Inspired by Pantone’s Color Of The Year

Pantone, the gurus of color, have chosen ‘Peach Fuzz’ as their 2024 Color Of The Year  Normally I don’t pay much attention to trendy colors, because at the end of the day I’m going to plant what makes my heart sing, no matter the color!   However, peach just happens to be one of my favorite […]