Fall’s Fantastic Light


There’s so many things I love about Fall – the holidays, the food, the smell of the heater turning on for the first time, putting the extra blanket on the bed and the way the garden begins to quiet down.


I think one of my favorite things, however, is the way the sun’s slanted rays hits certain plants, causing them to glow with a magical brilliance.


Cannas and Phormiums, for instance, are well known for their uncanny ability to catch the light ‘just so’….

And grasses seem to BEG to be planted where the morning or afternoon sun will shine it’s spotlight on them!


But its not just foliage that gets all the attention.  With the setting sun, flowers, too, can turn into  burning embers…


And so I leave you with these last few images of the sun’s setting rays….


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  • These really are some truly great photos the ones of the light coming through the trees. It provided me with a great Landscape Ideas for Front Yard because I wasn’t sure if I should plant a large shade tree in my front yard or not.

  • These are just beautiful examples Rebecca. You are so right about the changing light ~ I’ve been noticing the difference myself but don’t have such wonderful photos to illustrate it. I would love fall if I weren’t worried about winter. One of these days I will move where I don’t have that concern. 🙂
    To answer your question about the tomatoes ~ yes, wrapping them and storing them in a cool place really does work! Living in a cold climate (with a shorter growing season) helped me learn lots of ways to extend the season.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog too.

    • Thanks so much for following up with my tomato question – I really appreciate it and am going out today to pick my last few green tomatoes!

  • Gorgeous photos Rebecca! The light this time of year, as the sun hangs lower in the sky, can be so beautiful. Even this afternoon while watching our chickens, a few of the girls were lit up just perfectly by the sun…I just didn’t have the presence of mind to take a picture!

    • Oh,,,just the thought of chickens in the sun makes me smile! Thanks!

  • Beautiful! I love fall, too. Unfortunately, it’s been so overcast here that I haven’t been able to enjoy much of the light, but I’ll live vicariously through you…

    • Andrea – we’ve been getting our share of crummy weather, too, but thankfully the sun’s peeked out for a few days before the next rainfall…thanks!

  • These photos make me feel so light and playful! I was so inspired I just linked to you in my GDRT post. Thanks for a fresh take on light.

    • Gen – thank you so much! Very, very kind of you!

  • Lovely photos. I love the light too. I also love the really long shadows it casts. I also think I appreciate its warmth just a tiny bit more now that the air has a bit of a chill.

  • I love the light at this time of year too. Finally the sun is not a death star trying to fry us, but a friend that illuminates the plants and makes them glow.


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  • These really are some truly great photos the ones of the light coming through the trees. It provided me with a great Landscape Ideas for Front Yard because I wasn’t sure if I should plant a large shade tree in my front yard or not.

  • These are just beautiful examples Rebecca. You are so right about the changing light ~ I’ve been noticing the difference myself but don’t have such wonderful photos to illustrate it. I would love fall if I weren’t worried about winter. One of these days I will move where I don’t have that concern. 🙂
    To answer your question about the tomatoes ~ yes, wrapping them and storing them in a cool place really does work! Living in a cold climate (with a shorter growing season) helped me learn lots of ways to extend the season.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog too.

    • Thanks so much for following up with my tomato question – I really appreciate it and am going out today to pick my last few green tomatoes!

  • Gorgeous photos Rebecca! The light this time of year, as the sun hangs lower in the sky, can be so beautiful. Even this afternoon while watching our chickens, a few of the girls were lit up just perfectly by the sun…I just didn’t have the presence of mind to take a picture!

    • Oh,,,just the thought of chickens in the sun makes me smile! Thanks!

  • Beautiful! I love fall, too. Unfortunately, it’s been so overcast here that I haven’t been able to enjoy much of the light, but I’ll live vicariously through you…

    • Andrea – we’ve been getting our share of crummy weather, too, but thankfully the sun’s peeked out for a few days before the next rainfall…thanks!

  • These photos make me feel so light and playful! I was so inspired I just linked to you in my GDRT post. Thanks for a fresh take on light.

    • Gen – thank you so much! Very, very kind of you!

  • Lovely photos. I love the light too. I also love the really long shadows it casts. I also think I appreciate its warmth just a tiny bit more now that the air has a bit of a chill.

  • I love the light at this time of year too. Finally the sun is not a death star trying to fry us, but a friend that illuminates the plants and makes them glow.


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  • These really are some truly great photos the ones of the light coming through the trees. It provided me with a great Landscape Ideas for Front Yard because I wasn’t sure if I should plant a large shade tree in my front yard or not.

  • These are just beautiful examples Rebecca. You are so right about the changing light ~ I’ve been noticing the difference myself but don’t have such wonderful photos to illustrate it. I would love fall if I weren’t worried about winter. One of these days I will move where I don’t have that concern. 🙂
    To answer your question about the tomatoes ~ yes, wrapping them and storing them in a cool place really does work! Living in a cold climate (with a shorter growing season) helped me learn lots of ways to extend the season.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog too.

    • Thanks so much for following up with my tomato question – I really appreciate it and am going out today to pick my last few green tomatoes!

  • Gorgeous photos Rebecca! The light this time of year, as the sun hangs lower in the sky, can be so beautiful. Even this afternoon while watching our chickens, a few of the girls were lit up just perfectly by the sun…I just didn’t have the presence of mind to take a picture!

    • Oh,,,just the thought of chickens in the sun makes me smile! Thanks!

  • Beautiful! I love fall, too. Unfortunately, it’s been so overcast here that I haven’t been able to enjoy much of the light, but I’ll live vicariously through you…

    • Andrea – we’ve been getting our share of crummy weather, too, but thankfully the sun’s peeked out for a few days before the next rainfall…thanks!

  • These photos make me feel so light and playful! I was so inspired I just linked to you in my GDRT post. Thanks for a fresh take on light.

    • Gen – thank you so much! Very, very kind of you!

  • Lovely photos. I love the light too. I also love the really long shadows it casts. I also think I appreciate its warmth just a tiny bit more now that the air has a bit of a chill.

  • I love the light at this time of year too. Finally the sun is not a death star trying to fry us, but a friend that illuminates the plants and makes them glow.


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