New Year, New Changes!

Rain on citrus copyJanuary has been a busy month for me, full of exciting changes (including a new look for my website and blog.)   And, in addition to my landscape design business, and writing for Horticulture magazine, I’ve also accepted the position of Seminar Manager for the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show.

For the past few months, I’ve been working away lining up some fantastic speakers, (click here to see!)  This year, the show runs through March 16-20 at the San Mateo Event Center.  I’ll be there every day, introducing the speakers, making sure everything runs smoothly, and schmoozing with old and new friends alike.  So if you’re in town, please make sure to visit me at the show!


IMG_6496Another change this year is the weather – isn’t it glorious?  The ground is thoroughly soaked and my poor, parched garden is finally able to quench its thirst.

And while I’ve been happily nesting inside and listening to the rain on the roof, I’m still sneaking out to my garden in between storms.

This weekend I planted bulbs in two containers (after chilling them first in my refrigerator for 8 weeks) – something I try and do every January.

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In one container, I have my favorite heirloom narcissus and daffodil varieties from Old House Gardens (including a few that don’t require winter chill) and in the other are tulips that were sent to me by John Scheepers (they’ve been selling bulbs since 1908!)

Poeticus ornatus 1870-dark rim Firetail 1910 solid dark orange, old house copy


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See the soil scoop resting on the container?  It’s my favorite one ever (click here to read why).

I can’t wait to see their cheery blooms and will make sure to post photos of them once they’re blooming.  If you’d like to read about other year-round bulbs that I use in my designs, click here.


West Point Tulips


I hope you all are enjoying the new year, and I’d love to hear about any changes happening in your lives and gardens!


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  • How lovely to ring in the New Year with rain! Still awaiting ours, but I share your joy. Our dear little bulbs went in at Thanksgiving; watching them emerge is daily excitement. And your new design is fabulous: I really like the thumbnails of all your posts.

  • I did the same thing, darting in between raindrops I finished planting my bulbs. I hope I wasn’t too late. My Grand Soleil d’Or Narcissus from previous years are up and blooming! It IS glorious out right now. Good thing ’cause I haven’t pruned my roses yet. Happy Gardening!

    • Lucky you to have blooming Narcissus already, Heidi. I have little green tips from my muscari just now poking through. I always prune my roses on Superbowl weekend (much more enjoyable for me than football!)

    • Thanks, Sabrina – we were just talking about you two yesterday and how we’d love to come up there for a visit in May. It’s been far too long! Hope you and Freeland are well. xoxo


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  • How lovely to ring in the New Year with rain! Still awaiting ours, but I share your joy. Our dear little bulbs went in at Thanksgiving; watching them emerge is daily excitement. And your new design is fabulous: I really like the thumbnails of all your posts.

  • I did the same thing, darting in between raindrops I finished planting my bulbs. I hope I wasn’t too late. My Grand Soleil d’Or Narcissus from previous years are up and blooming! It IS glorious out right now. Good thing ’cause I haven’t pruned my roses yet. Happy Gardening!

    • Lucky you to have blooming Narcissus already, Heidi. I have little green tips from my muscari just now poking through. I always prune my roses on Superbowl weekend (much more enjoyable for me than football!)

    • Thanks, Sabrina – we were just talking about you two yesterday and how we’d love to come up there for a visit in May. It’s been far too long! Hope you and Freeland are well. xoxo


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  • How lovely to ring in the New Year with rain! Still awaiting ours, but I share your joy. Our dear little bulbs went in at Thanksgiving; watching them emerge is daily excitement. And your new design is fabulous: I really like the thumbnails of all your posts.

  • I did the same thing, darting in between raindrops I finished planting my bulbs. I hope I wasn’t too late. My Grand Soleil d’Or Narcissus from previous years are up and blooming! It IS glorious out right now. Good thing ’cause I haven’t pruned my roses yet. Happy Gardening!

    • Lucky you to have blooming Narcissus already, Heidi. I have little green tips from my muscari just now poking through. I always prune my roses on Superbowl weekend (much more enjoyable for me than football!)

    • Thanks, Sabrina – we were just talking about you two yesterday and how we’d love to come up there for a visit in May. It’s been far too long! Hope you and Freeland are well. xoxo


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