Happy Birthday to Fiskars – 45 never looked so good!

As a proud member of the Fiskars garden blogging team, I’m thrilled to be joining the 45th anniversary celebration of the Orange Handled Scissors!  So far this month, there’s been a pretty exciting line-up of guest interviews who are all raving about their love of Fiskars’ scissors (Chris March, Duff Goldman and Claudine Hellmuth) but today I’m especially excited to let you all know that one of my favorite gardeners, Pearl Fryar, is joining the fun.

Who’s Pearl, you might ask?  Only one of the most passionate, interesting topiary artists EVER (and the star of the must-see documentary ‘A Man Named Pearl’).

So head on over to the official Fiskars Birthday Party to join in – and don’t forget to enter their weekly contests!

And if you’re craving a little more topiary-talk, click here to learn how to incorporate some unique topiaries in your own garden!



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